In California, a misdemeanor is any criminal offense that is punishable by less than one year in county jail. A misdemeanor is less serious than a felony but still carries potentially harmful consequences. If convicted of a misdemeanor, you could face: Up to six...
Year: 2021
¿Me favorecerá hacer un reclamo por un accidente si soy indocumentado?
Si usted es chocado mientras conduce, claramente querrá ser compensado por las pérdidas materiales sufridas, gastos médicos, salarios perdidos, pena y sufrimiento… pero ¿causará un mal mayor para sí mismo presentando un reclamo, peligrando que salga a la luz su estado...
Cómo deben usar los carriles las motocicletas en California. No es obvio como parece.
Muchas personas que viven en otros estados se sorprenden cuando manejan en California: de repente una moto les pasa por al lado, entre carriles, rápida y hábilmente sorteando atascos. ¿De dónde salió?, se preguntan mientras transitan la I-5 a paso de tortuga. Para los...
What is the basic process for filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
If your debts are higher than your income and your creditors have started becoming aggressive in their collection efforts, bankruptcy might be your next step. Instead of trying to make payments every month and struggling to stay afloat, you might just want to get a...
3 reasons why families choose to file wrongful death lawsuits
Any loss is tragic, but the unexpected death of a family member in a car crash or similar incident can devastate a family. Those dealing with a sudden loss have grief, financial concerns and social obligations to consider. Not only do they have to worry about taking...
Colisiones traseras en California, ¿de quién es la responsabilidad legal?
Los choques por embestidas en la parte trasera del carro son unos de los más comunes accidentes vehiculares que se producen cada día en los Estados Unidos. Entre las causas más frecuentes (enlace en inglés) para estos choques, se destacan: Distracciones Manejo muy...
Dog bites: Who is liable when pets attack?
When pets attack other people, they could cause real damage. Even though people like to think of their dogs and other animals as friendly and gentle, it’s a reality that some pets are unpredictable. Even the best and most well-trained dog can snap or bite under...
Study: Automated car safety systems distract drivers
More automakers are selling cars with increasingly sophisticated systems controlling speed, steering and braking. However, safety advocates warn that too many drivers are becoming over-reliant on this technology. A recent study by the Insurance Institute for Highway...
Cambios a la ley que debe saber antes de declararse en bancarrota en 2021
La legislación de 2020 nombrada la Ley Bipartidista de Alivio y Seguridad Económica del Coronavirus (conocida en inglés como el “CARES Act”) trajo muchísimo alivio a los trabajadores y a las familias de baja y media clase en los Estados Unidos. Proveyó beneficios que...
Take these 3 photographs after a car accident
Because car accidents happen at an almost alarming rate in California, you may not be able to avoid one forever. If you sustain a serious injury in a collision, though, you may be able to pursue financial compensation from the driver who caused the crash. To boost...