If your debts are higher than your income and your creditors have started becoming aggressive in their collection efforts, bankruptcy might be your next step. Instead of trying to make payments every month and struggling to stay afloat, you might just want to get a...
Month: February 2021
3 reasons why families choose to file wrongful death lawsuits
Any loss is tragic, but the unexpected death of a family member in a car crash or similar incident can devastate a family. Those dealing with a sudden loss have grief, financial concerns and social obligations to consider. Not only do they have to worry about taking...
Colisiones traseras en California, ¿de quién es la responsabilidad legal?
Los choques por embestidas en la parte trasera del carro son unos de los más comunes accidentes vehiculares que se producen cada día en los Estados Unidos. Entre las causas más frecuentes (enlace en inglés) para estos choques, se destacan: Distracciones Manejo muy...