If every motorist in California fully complied with state traffic laws, driving would be a much less dangerous activity. Unfortunately, motorists choose to do all kinds of illegal things, from driving without a valid license to driving while under the influence of...
Car Accidents
How does comparative negligence work in California car wrecks?
Car wrecks can happen so fast that it can be really hard to say with absolute certainty exactly who was at fault. Quite often, mistakes by one driver compound another driver’s mistakes, and that leads to a crash where there’s shared liability for all the damage...
What happens when someone without insurance causes a wreck?
Every driver in California is required to have liability insurance coverage. The state actually has relatively low requirements for insurance, and yet quite a few people don't maintain liability policies as required by state law. As of 2019, the most recent year with...
5 unexpected ways distracted driving happens
You probably know that distracted driving is dangerous. You probably also know that smartphones have dramatically increased the problems with distracted driving out there – which is why many areas have banned or limited the use of cellular devices behind the wheel....
Drivers cause a large number of bicycle-car collisions
Crashes are an unfortunate but natural byproduct of modern traffic. Those who travel via enclosed vehicles might fail to notice one another or could lose control of their vehicles, resulting in collisions with fellow motorists, motorcycle riders, cyclists and...
Fatigued driving: A preventable cause of crashes
Drivers must ensure they’re in good shape to drive so they don’t harm anyone else. When a driver is fatigued, they may not be able to react to what’s going on around their vehicle. Innocent victims are killed or injured in these crashes. The sad fact is that these...
An insurance issue many people have after California car crashes
Motor vehicle insurance pays for car repairs and hospital bills after a crash, at least up the policy limit for the applicable policy. The California insurance system requires liability protection from every driver, and people can choose to pay for higher levels of...
Driver phone distraction lasts for an extra 27 seconds
It's clear that using a cellphone while you drive is a distraction. Some drivers find themselves looking down at the phone, while others will take their hands off the wheel to use the device. This type of distraction is one that causes many fatal car accidents every...
Why has distracted driving become such a dangerous issue?
For years, drunk driving was the scourge of vehicle safety advocates. Despite all of the data showing how alcohol affected people's driving ability, people continue to get behind the wheel and cause crashes. Drunk driving remains an issue to this day, but it now...
Why do car crashes have a strong association with brain injuries?
People can suffer traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in many different circumstances. They could fall while cleaning their gutters or get hurt playing football in college. However, a large number of TBIs are the results of motor vehicle collisions. There is a strong...