La legislación de 2020 nombrada la Ley Bipartidista de Alivio y Seguridad Económica del Coronavirus (conocida en inglés como el “CARES Act”) trajo muchísimo alivio a los trabajadores y a las familias de baja y media clase en los Estados Unidos. Proveyó beneficios que...
Why people choose bankruptcy instead of debt relief services
Debt relief services often try to advertise themselves as though they do something that benefits the public. They want to make themselves seem like they are heroes saving people from aggressive creditors, collection agents and unscrupulous credit card companies. What...
What debts qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge?
If you have debts that you cannot pay off, bankruptcy can offer you relief. But before you go through with a filing, you may want to understand how the process can help you. And if you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, one of the most significant benefits is the discharge...