Motor vehicle accidents are a major cause of traumatic brain injury and even low speed, rear-end collisions are contributors.
You may recover within weeks from a concussion, a minor form of TBI. More serious brain damage requires rehabilitation, but diligent effort produces rewards.
TBI explained
The violent jolt from a rear-end car crash can cause the brain to move and bump against the inside of the skull resulting in damaged brain cells, or neurons. Once your condition stabilizes, the brain begins to rewire itself by creating new avenues among still-healthy neurons and, to some extent, taking on the functions once performed by damaged cells.
How rehabilitation helps
A serious injury can block access to certain types of information stored in portions of the brain. A program of rehabilitation helps you relearn forgotten skills and compensate for any impairments you must continue to endure. Rehabilitation will assist the brain in its rewiring efforts so you can reacquire the ability to perform the activities of daily living, the tangible rewards of dedicated training paired with persistent practice.
Advocate assistance
The more severe your TBI, the more you must focus on resuming a fulfilling life. At this point, rehabilitation will be the most important part of your daily activities. Treatment for a traumatic brain injury can be extremely expensive and an advocate can negotiate with an insurance company on your behalf while you concentrate on your recovery. If you are the victim of a car crash, however minor, you have the right to expect full and fair compensation to cover your medical expenses and more.